Live Your Life for GOD, Not Man

   My pastor was preaching, either a Sunday or Wednesday, and he said that there are many Christians, who have the potential to do so much for God, but, they don't.  We are always looking around us, comparing our lives with the people. We think to ourselves, "hey, I'm doing pretty good, at least I'm doing better then him or her" and we stop thinking about living our lives for God, and we only think about comparing ourselves with others.  He also said that there are many of us who start getting spiritually ahead of others around us, then we look around us, and then slow down, so that others don't judge you.  How sad is it, that we are afraid to be too spiritual, even in our own churches.  I have always been the type of person that doesn't want to offend anyone, I keep keep quiet, even when I know something someone is saying is wrong, I compare myself with other people, trying to measure up to the worlds standards of beauty.  Well, I am not on this earth to please other people, God did not bless me with this life so that I could spend it comparing myself with other people,  I will live my life for God, not man. Please, join me, and stand up for God, and let your life shine for Jesus, show the world that you are not ashamed to be called Gods child.  We Christians need to start shining Gods light again.



  1. Hey Anna,
    I got your letter today!!! Thanks so much!
    Love in Jesus,


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