God is Good!

5. Trust in the LORD  with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust, in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  What a great verse for us to keep in our memory!  I don't know about y'all, but I tend to lean on my own understanding...  I get worried, and fearful, about everything that I have to do, and get done.  And the more I think about what I need to get done, the more I start to lean on my own understanding.  But, the more I lean on my own understanding, the worse things get.  God promises to help us, He has told us that if we will just trust Him with our whole lives, He will direct our paths.
   I just want to say, What an Awesome God we serve.  the definition of Awesome:  Awe inspiring. And that couldn't be more true! God is so good, and Awesome, and great, and merciful.  I am praising God, I hope that you also, praise God today.  God created us, and He loves us. And God loves getting praised by his creation!

Mission Trip Update:
I have been getting my paper work filled out this past week, making sure I am getting everything done by the due dates on the forms. I got my passport! well, I don't have it, I filled out my application, and turned it in at the post office, and they said it would be in in 4 to 6 weeks.  I am getting pretty excited! I was a little scared there for a while, but I am trusting God now, and He will help me.
I got my first donation for my missions trip!  I got it from a church I was visiting :-D  So that is terribly exciting!!
  Please keep me in your prayers!

Your friend,


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