
Showing posts from April, 2015


Y'all know that I am going on a missions trip right? well, the group doesn't require me to to read any books before I go, or memorize a book from the Bible.  But, they do have this little tract, that they want me to memorize. The tract itself isn't that long, but there are several verses inside it that I have to memorize.  29 to be exact ;)  I have 7 out of these verses to memorize.  I know the verses, I have heard them, and read them several times.  But I do not have them memorized.  Please pray for me, that I will study hard, and not get distracted with other things, so that I will be able to get these verses memorized before I leave.  I leave June 20th :-)     I am getting very excited!! and a little nervous... going to another country is scary!  I know I am doing what God wants me to do.  And I know that God will bless me.   Please keep me in your prayers!! :-) -Anna

Mission Work Update

Hey Everyone!  So sorry it's been so long since i've written.  My mind has just been so busy, between mission work, and the two week vacation we took, and studying for my ACT.  Every time I sat down to write something, my mind wouldn't just settle in on one thought lol.   Anyways... Concerning my mission trip:   I told ya'll that I had sent in my passport application, well....                                                                           MY PASSPORT CAME IN!!!!!! I am so happy.  It was kinda funny when I got it.  It was the first day being home since we got back from our two week vacation.  I had been hounding my mom all day, telling her that I HAD to go check the mail, because my passport may have come it.  She told me she would check the ma...